The top five
of what are highest mountains
in Africa – meters:
1. 5892 Mount Kilimanjaro
2. 5204 Mount Kenya
3. 5110 Margherita Peak
4. 4565 Meru
5. 4533 Ras Dejen
The top five
of what are biggest lakes
In Africa – km2:
1. 68800 Lake Victoria
2. 32900 Lake Tanganjika
3 30044 Lake Nyasa
4. 26000 Lake Tschad
5. 8485 Lake Volta
The top five
of what are largest rivers
In Africa- km
1. 6695 Nile
2. 4667 Congo River
3. 4184 Niger River
4. 2736 Sambesi
5. 2490 Webi Shabeele
The top five
of what are biggest islands
in Africa- km2
1. 587040 Madagascar
2. 3580 Suqutra
3. 2512 Réunion
4. 2057 Tenerife
5. 2017 Bioko
The top five of what are biggest cities in Africa
– in million population
1. 13.4 Lagos
2. 12.2 Cairo
3. 7.5 Kinshasa
4. 4.3 Alexandria
5. 4.0 Nairobi
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